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freeze dried meal reviews

Staff picks

Great flavour and doesn't taste dry at all. Tastes like real fresh meat and the herbs are a nice subtle touch. Definitely the best freeze-dried meal I've ever had and beats a soggy sandwich on a cold day!
SnapperTackle fishing tackle

Which calorie option?

Our Radix Freeze-dried Meals are available in 3 sizes; 400cal, 600cal, 800cal. The calorie figures are representative of the size of the meals. Deciding which size is best suited to your nutrition needs will obviously depend on a number of personal factors, however, to give you rough idea we’ve jotted down a few key points from during our team taste testing.

#1: The meals are surprisingly filling, particularly the breakfasts. My typical breakfast would be 6-8 Weet-Bix and yogurt so I wasn’t expecting too much from the comparatively smaller 450cal Mixed Berry Breakfast, however, come lunchtime I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of hunger pangs I’d been expecting. The 450cal option is definitely a